
BIG DIG at Priestlands

Published on 2016-04-29 by Gill Hickman

Miss Devonshire is keen to repeat the spectacular success of last summer’s wildflower meadow at Priestlands and interested youngsters were asked to meet in the walled garden at lunchtime.

Thus it was that twenty energetic students tackled the very overgrown wildflower area. Although the patch had been sown with a mixture of annuals and perennials the patch was becoming overgrown by couch grass and removal was the only option. Great clods of earth housing couch grass roots were removed by the team in a digging frenzy. Huge progress was made before a team photo was taken and the students pledged to return next week. One more week should do it then the patch can be sown with wildflowers.

An added bonus was the sudden appearance of a newly emerged elephant hawk moth. This beautiful creature was unknown to almost all students so was the subject of huge interest! Great naturalists Priestlands!

Priestlands moth find Priestlands moth