PJS at Lymington Carnival
Published on 2015-07-20 by Gill Hickman
Well done Pennington Junior School: best school float and best walking float in Lymington carnival. And this was more than a float; it was an Eco float that celebrated the school's achievements throughout the year!
The school minibus was covered in a net into which were fixed leaves and flowers. The school if really proud of the fact that every child contributed to this! The flowers were a real celebration of their 'Grow Wild' success. Their small wildflower patch has been spectacular and shows that vast spaces are not needed for wildflowers! It has certainly attracted pollinators and it was great to see the children's recognition of the importance of the bee on their float.
A Bag Monster was created from polythene bags and served as a reminder to the public that a BAG TAX will come into force this autumn. The monster showed the number of polythene bags the average member of the public uses every year in the UK.
Children wore outfits that depicted every aspect of this school's 'Eco' journey in 2015. Some wore recycled CDs or bottle tops and others took up the plastic bags theme. Others celebrated their Grow Your Own achievements. It certainly meant that a large number of children and their parents were able to walk behind the splendid minibus!
The school was particularly grateful to three girls from Priestlands School who helped kick start the project for their work experience, and for the students who donated their 'Trashion' outfits make earlier in July.
We were thrilled to hear of the school's win: a fantastic end to an exceptional year's work!