
Sun power!

Published on 2015-07-01 by Gill Hickman

Heating water from the sun

Milford Pre-School has already achieved a Silver Eco-Schools award. Like all Silver Eco-Schools, some work on energy was necessary, and for t5he Green Flag, even more. Blessed with a period of sunny dry weather, the children looked at the heating power of the sun. A matt black tube was filled with cold water and the temperature was measured. A digital temperature probe provided a read-out of its internal temperature. Armed with this, the children set about recording temperature as the device was put in the sun. I asked whether the children would be able to read the numbers and was told immediately, “We teach them to read and understand numbers.” Not just did they read the temperature, as shown by this photo, they were helped to present the amazing rise in temperature on a graph. Not bad for 3 and 4 year olds, Nicky Morgan?