Kitchen garden

Walhampton get busy with recycling

Published on 2015-01-22 by Gill Hickman

Walhampton students, fresh from their Roots and Shoots success, are stepping up their recycling! Their Eco Reps have been busy promoting two different aspects of recycling. The school collects old pens for Terracycle. This firms pays money for old pens, felt tips and markers and it’s a great way of raising Eco funds or money for charity. The Walhampton Eco Reps remind everyone that the bin is outside Mr Morris’ room. They also remind everyone that apple cores and fruit peelings. make good compost! This is important to the school as they have a great kitchen garden project (see photo).

Walhampton students are also expected to do ‘Eco Duties’ for ‘Eco Points’. Duties include checking lights are switched off in specific areas of the school. Duties and points are great ideas to increase the sustainability of this increasingly ‘green’ school that can be copied by others! Even better, students are advised to take their energy saving messages home!

Walhampton students also have an Eco Blog; another really good idea!